EDL Ruby Module Hits the Streets

As promised in an earlier entry, here comes the announcement for the EDL library for Ruby. It allows you to parse EDL files and examine their content in a relatively sane way. Example:

edl_part =  '020  008C     V     C        08:04:24:24 08:04:25:19 01:00:25:22 01:00:26:17'
list = EDL::Parser.new(fps = 25).parse(edl_part)

# An EDL::List is just as any other Array

list[0].class # => EDL::Event
list[0].src_start_tc # => #<Timecode:08:04:24:24 (726624F@25.00)>
list[0].rec_length_with_transition # => 20

The documentation is complete now. The only dependency is the Timecode gem announced earlier. All of these tools (Depix, Timecode, ED…) are also moving to their own project on Rubforge. I hope that can be of use to people who agree with me that paying 170 bucks for a DPX renamer or a DPX conformer is insane in 2008.

I also have high hopes that libraries like these will help Ruby make way in the post industry, where Perl (and recently Python) reign supreme.